Sweet Cherry

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Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming. Good pollinators are the Katalin, Van, Kavics, Sunburst, Stella, Vera, Sándor, Paulus, Axel and the Petrus cultivars.


Very high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 10-16.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, weigh 7-9 grams, 27-29 mm in diameter. Spherical, slight intrusions at the tip of the stem. The peel is dark purple, shiny, medium thick. The pulp is dark red and firm. Taste is pleasant sweet-sour. The stem is medium long.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a moderate-low vigour, with an upright growth habit and a cone-shaped canopy.

Requires protection against cherry leaf spot. Excellent nutrient content and large fruits make this cultivar good for fresh consumption, export and industrial processing.

Alex / Axel®

Flowering, pollination

Extended mid season flowering. Self-compatible. Good pollinator for Van, Katalin, Linda, Kavics cultivars.


Early fruit bearing, consistent and very high productivity.

Ripening period

Late ripening cultivar (late June - early July).

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, 24-25 mm in diameter, weigh 7-8 grams. Oval, kidney-shaped. The peel medium red dark purple, during full ripening. The pulp is firm, slightly crispy, succulent, tastes sweet-sour. The stone is small. The stem is medium long.

Tree characteristics

The trees have medium vigour, the crown is loosely arranged, cone-shaped, with the branches spreading under the fruit load.

Primarily for fresh consumption, but an average or good compote can also be made from it. Not very good for freezing, because its colour changes when freezed.


Flowering, pollination

Flowers are mid-early blooming. Good pollinators are the Valerij Cskalov, Tünde, Petrus, Linda and the Katalin.


Very high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 8-10; 8-10 days after Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, weigh 6-7 grams, 23-24 mm in diameter. Their shape is oval, the stem is thinning at the blossom end. The peel is medium thick, shiny, dark purple-red. The pulp is dark red, very firm. It tastes pleasant sweet-sour. The stem is medium long, comes off from the fruit dry.

Tree characteristics

The trees have lower than moderate vigour and regular cone shaped canopy. Good for fresh consumption.

Good for fresh consumption.

Bigarreau Burlat

Flowering, pollination

Early, extended flowering. Good pollinator cultivars are: Van, Vera, Valerij Cskalov, Szomolyai fekete, Münchebergi Early, Pomázi hosszúszárú, Sándor, Rita. Good pollinator for those cultivars that bloom with it together.


Average productivity, high in good seasons.

Ripening period

Ripens in late May - early June.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are in average 22-24 mm in diameter, under optimal water and nutrient supply 24-26 mm. Average weight is 5-6 grams. Fruit is truncated cone-shaped, slightly flattened at the base, where the colour is lighter red (light line). It can be consumed from when the ripening gives it a red colour; this later becomes dark purplish, with a shiny, thin peel at full ripeness. The pulp is fully dense, medium firm, slightly crispy. It tastes pleasant sweet-sour. Excellent quality fruit for the fresh market. The stem is short or medium long. The stone is small or medium large, occasionally fully unattached. Due to the ripening period, the fruits are not susceptible to cherry fruit fly.

Tree characteristics

The trees have strong vigour. Grows to be an enormous tree. The stiffly arranged branches with few forks have an upright growth habit, then they spread under the fruit load. Requires limited pruning. Can be grafted onto Mahaleb and Wild cherry. In some cases, the trees show incompatibility against some Mahaleb cherries.

The earliest ripening cultivar with large fruits that is advised for industrial cultivation. Good for fresh consumption, thus it can be marketed as an early fruit.


Flowering, pollination

Self-incompatible. Flowers are late blooming, pollinates mutually with Germersdorf 3, good pollinators are Germersdorf 3, Katalin, Sunburst and when the flowering is extended Paulus.


High productivity. Early fruit bearing.

Ripening period

Mid-early ripening cultivar, ripens one week after Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are very large, weigh 8-11 grams, 27-30 mm in diameter and ovoid sphere-shaped. The peel is shiny, purplish red. The pulp is dark red, firm, tastes pleasant sweet-sour. The stone is relatively large. The stem is semi-long, thin.

Tree characteristics

The trees have with an upright growth habit, weak or medium vigour, small canopy. On Mahaleb cherry stock, the trees may have lower than moderate vigour.

Because of its large fruit and very good taste, it is good for fresh consumption.

Giant from Germersdorf clones

Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming flowers are self-incompatible. Good pollinators are Margit, a Hedelfingen, a Solymári gömbölyű, a Van and the Linda and the Sunburst.


On some sites it shows consistent and high productivity, on others average or low. Heavily dependent on the type and position of the pollinator cultivars.

Ripening period

A Germersdorf cultivar group normally ripens: June 18- 25. Germersdorf 1 ripens 2-5 days before the other two.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits, depending on the given set number, weigh 7-10 grams, and are 24-27 mm in diameter. Within the cultivar category, the fruits of the Germersdorf 3. Clone are the largest. The fruits are truncated heart, or ovoid sphere-shaped.  It can be consumed from when the ripening gives it a carmine colour; this later becomes dark purplish red. It tastes pleasant sweet-sour, aromatic, already when light red. The pulp is light red, firm, crispy, succulent. The stone is unattached. The stem is medium long or long, also unattached. The fruit tolerates transportation and temporary storing well. Throughout the processing, the colour of the fruit turns into a not very attractive shade of brown. For these reasons, the fruit freezing industry processes them only when necessary.

Tree characteristics

The trees have strong or very strong vigour and an upright growth habit, it grows a characteristic, cone shaped canopy. Due to its strong growth, the crown shapes are intensive. The branches and twigs medium thick, not prone to compacting. (A Germersdorf 3 clone grows slower, the branch arrangement is looser). Grows well on both Wild cherry and Mahaleb cherry stocks.

The most important marketed cultivar, regarding export, national fresh consumption and in canning terms. Good adaptability, hardy, resilient cultivar. Winter hardy. Susceptible to the cherry fruit fly, thus it requires intensive plant protection. Its disadvantage is its season-dependent medium-low productivity, its fruit size dependence on the current fruit set and the high chance of fruit crackings under rainy weather conditions.

Hedelfingeni óriás

Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming. Pollinators are Germersdorf 1, Germersdorf 3, Solymári gömbölyű, Van, Stella, Katalin and the Kavics cultivars.


Superior productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens in late June.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, the average weight is 6-7 grams, 22-24 mm in diameter, elongated heart or oval shaped. The peel is dark red, with small light red blotches; at full ripeness this becomes blackish red. The pulp is medium firm, dark carmine coloured, the stone is unattached. The ripened fruit tastes pleasant sweet-sour, spicy. At the beginning of ripening, it tastes rather bitter, thus the harvesting should be started only when fully ripened. The stem is long, the fruit comes off from it easily. Tolerates machine harvesting, despite its hanging canopy. Tolerates transportation well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have strong vigour, large, sprawling, sphere-shaped canopy. The older trees have a hanging canopy due to its thin twigs. Requires no regular pruning, only canopy thinning. Grows well on both Wild and Mahaleb cherry rootstock.

One of the most important world cultivars. Hardy, resilient cultivar, can be planted  in anywhere  in Hungary, although it produces large fruits only under appropriate water and nutrient supply. Under dry conditions, especially on overloaded trees, the fruits ripen unevenly and remain small. Tolerant against cherry leaf spot. The market value of the fruits is under the Germersdorf’s. Good for both fresh consumption and for canning. Good pollinator for mid-blooming cultivars.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-blooming. Mutually good pollinator with Van, Germersdorf 1, Giant from Hedelfingen, Kavics, Axel, Stella, Krupnoplodnaja cultivars and with Linda in seasons with short flowering duration.


Very good productivity, very early fruit bearing.

Ripening period

Late ripening cultivar (late June - early July).

Fruit characteristics

Fruit size is 25-28 mm in diameter, weigh 8-10 grams, the percentage of the putamen is 4.8 %. Fruits, when fully ripened, are dark purplish-red with a thick peel. The pulp is dark crimson, very tasty, crispy, firm, staining. Has a slightly elongated sphere form. It tastes lightly sweet-sour. The stem is long, the fruit comes off from it easily, thus tolerates machine harvesting, despite its hanging canopy.

Tree characteristics

The trees have strong vigour, with an upright growth habit. The canopies are semi-tight, cone-shaped and slightly bend under the weight of the fruits.

Moderately susceptible to cherry leaf spot, tolerant against shot hole disease. Requires wound care when pruned. Good for fresh consumption, canning and freezing, and also for export. The fast-freezed fruits are significantly higher in quality than Giant from Germersdorf and the Giant from Hedelfingen. It is of an excellent export material, ripening after the Italian cultivars.


Flowering, pollination

Self-incompatible mid-late blooming. Mutually good pollinators with Germersdorf 3, Giant from Hedelfingen, Stella, Katalin, Axel cultivars.


Average, inconsistent.

Ripening period

Ripens in late June, normally 1-2 days before Giant from Hedelfingen.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, 24-25 mm in diameter, weigh 6-7 grams, very appealing, rounded heart-shaped. The colour of the peel is dark burgundy, which later becomes shiny blackish. The pulp is especially firm (thus the name), although not prone to cracks. Not susceptible to bruises. Very tasty. Not susceptible to Monilinia (brown rot), thus can be stored on the trees for even 1-2 weeks, without losing crop quality. The seed is medium large, The stem is medium long, the fruit comes off from it easily. Tolerates machine harvesting and transportation well. Can be stored in refrigerators as well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have fast a vigour with an upright growth habit, and an oval canopy.

Somewhat susceptible to spring frosts, thus the planting site must be selected with great care. Tolerant against cherry leaf spot. Excellent for freezing and for compote, but also good for fresh consumption.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-early blooming flowers are pollinated by Vera, Linda, Van, Katalin, Kordia, Paulus, Carmen, Sunburst, Regina, Stella cultivars.  Self-compatible only in 1-2%.


High productivity.

Ripening period

Mid-late ripening cultivar (ripens around June 25).

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are 25-28 mm in diameter, weigh around 8 grams. Their spherical shape is slightly flattened from the stem side. The fully ripened peel is dark carmine coloured. Although it can be consumed even when light red, the full ripening should be waited, because then the fruit tastes pleasant: sour, sweet and aromatic. The pulp is firm, thus slightly prone to cracking. The stone is small. The stem is medium long, thin and flexible.

Tree characteristics

The trees have semi-strong vigour and can be easily altered. They have somewhat loose branch arrangement and a sphere-shaped canopy.

Requires protection against cherry leaf spot. Its excellent nutritional characteristics, and large fruits make it good for fresh consumption, export and for industrial processing as well.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming, self-incompatible cultivar. Good pollinators are a Solymári gömbölyű, Kordia, Giant from Germersdorf, Giant from Hedelfingen, Kavics, Stella and the Axel cultivars, and in some seasons, when the flowering duration is short, the Katalin. Good pollinator for the Solymári gömbölyű, Van, Katalin, Margit, Giant from Hedelfingen and the Giant from Germersdorf.


Early fruit bearing, very good and consistent productivity.

Ripening period

Few days before Giant from Germersdorf, June late ripens.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, in average 24 mm in diameter and 7.4 g in weight; the percentage of the putamen is 4.8 %. Their shape is slightly oval sphere, with rounded down shoulders and a flattened base. The blossom end is small and pointy. The peel is thick, with a burgundy colour when fully ripened, although the base is darker somewhat. The pulp is red, firm and coarsely fibered, the stone is semi-adharent. The pulp tastes harmonic sweet-sour. The stone is large, smooth and oval shaped. The stem is medium long. When fully ripened, the fruit comes off the stem easily, even without chemicals. Appropriate for machine harvesting. The fruits can be stored on the trees for 8-10 days, without reducing quality, thus can be harvested along with the Germersdorf cultivar.

Tree characteristics

The trees have semi-strong vigour and a loose, spreading canopy. The branches slightly bend under the weight of the fruits.

Higher yields than Germersdorf, thus can be cultivated more economically. Mainly good for canning, but also for fresh consumption and fresh export as well.


Flowering, pollination

Self-incompatible, mid-late blooming. Mutually good pollinator cultivars are: Van, Stella, Hedelfingen, Germersdorf 3, and the Linda.


Hungarian cultivar with average productivity and superior fruit quality.

Ripening period

A Bigarreau Burlat után, a Giant from Germersdorf cultivar before 8-10 days, June 10-12 around ripens.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, average diameter is 24 mm, average weight is 7 grams, have a flattened spherical form. When fully ripened they have a burgundy-red colour; the pulp is dark red, crispy, much more firm than the Bigarreau Burlat, succulent, has a staining juice. The stone is unattached. It has a distinct, aromatic sweet-sour taste, similar to Germersdorf. The stem is medium long. Not prone to crackings.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour, the canopies are slightly oval. Buds usually grow on spurs.

Mainly good for fresh consumption and fresh export, but also for canning and freezing. The firmness of the fruit, the suitable arrangement of the canopy and the stem that comes off dry make this tree appropriate for machine harvesting.


Flowering, pollination

Self-compatible, mid-early blooming.


High productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 10-12.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large-very large, 26 mm in diameter, weigh 7-9 grams. They have a spherical shape slightly flattened from the top. The peel is shiny, burgundy in colour. The pulp dark red and very firm. It has a pleasant sweet-sour taste. The stone is small. The stem is medium long. The fruit is not prone to crackings.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-strong vigour, with an upright growth habit and a cone-shaped canopy. Buds usually grow on spurs.

Not prone to excessive fruit setting, despite its self-compatibility


Flowering, pollination

Self-compatible, mid-early blooming. Good pollinator for the Annus, Tünde, Rita and the Vera cultivars.


High productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens 8-10 days after Bigarreau Burlat, around June 10.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, weigh 5-6 grams, their size is around 25 mm in diameter. They have an elongated heart shape, similar to Stella (a sphere, elongated at the blossom end). The peel is dark burgundy, medium thick. It tastes a pleasant sour-sweet.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour, with an upright growth habit and a loose, cone-shaped canopy.

Good for fresh consumption and industrial processing.


Flowering, pollination

Van, Stella, Hedelfingen, Kordia 


Not prone to frost damage due to late flowering. Early fruit bearing  High productivity

Ripening period

In mid-late July

Fruit characteristics

Large in size, resistant to precipitation-caused fruit crackings, and to powdery mildew to some extent. Its peel is deep red. The reddish coloured pulp is solid, has a low acid content and is very flavoursome, especially aromatic and tastes sweet-sour.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a strong vigour, and a broad, dense canopy.



Flowering, pollination

Flowers bloom mid-early, hopefully good pollinators are Valerij Cskalov, Petrus, Tünde, Paulus, Bigarreau Burlat and the Vera cultivars.


High productivity.

Ripening period

May 20 around, kb. 10-12 days a Bigarreau Burlat before ripens.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, weigh 5-6 grams and 23-24 mm in diameter. They have a broad conic shape, with the bottom side being slightly bulgy. During the beginning of the ripening, the fruits are red, then turn to burgundy. The pulp is red, dense, medium firm or firm. The peel shiny, thin. It tastes pleasant sweet-sour. Prone to crackings.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a slow-medium vigour, and a down-curved, spherical canopy. The twigs are red, slightly curved.

Earliest ripening period, makes good early fruit.


Flowering, pollination

Flowers bloom early. Self-compatible, good pollinator for Bigarreau Burlat.


Regular, high rates of productivity.

Ripening period

Blooms in late-May, June, ripens just before the first days of Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, weigh 4 grams, 24-25 mm in diameter. They have a slightly elongated sphere form. The peel is dark mahogany in colour. The pulp is medium firm, dark red in colour and tastes sweet-sour. The stem is medium long.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour with an upright growth habit and a loose, cone-shaped canopy with loose branching arrangement.

Can be planted in a block or in varying lanes as a pollinator, with other, early blooming cultivars. Good for fresh consumption.

Solymári gömbölyű

Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming. Good pollinator cultivars are a Germersdorf 3, a Hedelfingen and the Van. Good pollinator for besides Germersdorf 1, and 3 clones, the Margit, Linda, Hedelfingen and the Van cherry cultivars, for the Pándy 48 clone, which is blooming together with it and the Érdi nagygyümölcsű sour cherry cultivars as well.


High productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 15., one week before Giant from Germersdorf.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are around 6-8 grams in weight, 24 mm in diameter and they have a heart shape, rounded down at the blossom end. The peel is hardy, thus tolerates transportation well. The pulp is light red, firm, slightly staining. The stone is small or medium large, semi-attached. Sweet-sour, aromatic. Putamen seed is small or medium large. The stem is medium long, comes off the fruit easily and dry. Tolerates machine shaking. Slightly prune to crackings.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a strong vigour, and a spreading, broad, cone-shaped canopy. Grows well on both Wild and Mahaleb cherry rootstock.

It is necessary to protect against cherry leaf spot. Good for fresh consumption, canning and export.


Flowering, pollination

The first commony cultivated self-compatible cultivar. The flowering duration is late and extended, good pollinator for mid- and mid-late blooming cherry cultivars.


Regular, high rates of productivity.

Ripening period

In late June, a few days after Germersdorf, but before Hedelfingen.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, 6-7 grams in weight, 22-24 mm in diameter. Slightly elongated heart shaped, dark crimson in colour. The pulp is mahagonay, firm but not crispy. It has an average taste. The fruits are densely and tightly packed. During wet weather they crack. The stem is medium long.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour, especially dense branching arrangement, and conic, sphere-shaped canopy. The foliage is particularly dense. Grows well on both Wild and Mahaleb cherry rootstock.

The fruits are prone to crackings, thus it is susceptible to Moniliana. The wood is susceptible to diseases. Good for fresh consumption.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-late blooming flowers are self-compatible. Good pollinator for Vera, Linda, Kavics, Katalin, Annus, Tünde and Aida sweet cherries and the Érdi nagygyümölcsű sour cherry.


Regular, very high rates of productivity. Early fruit bearing.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 15-20, 15-20 days after Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are very large, 26-30 mm in diameter, 9-10 grams in weight. They have a bulged spherical shape. The peel is medium thick and shiny, bright red in colour. The pulp is light red, medium firm, crispy, slightly prone to crackings, succulent. It has a good, sweet-sour taste. The stone is small. The stem is medium long. Not suitable for machine harvesting.

Tree characteristics

The trees have strong vigour and a slightly spreading canopy. Susceptible to branch shedding, thus regular pruning is required. Suitable for intensive cultivation.

Good for fresh consumption and export

Szomolyai fekete

Flowering, pollination

Early blooming, self-incompatible. In some years, it shows 2-3 % of self-pollination. Mutually good pollinator with early and mid-early blooming cultivars (Münchebergi Early, Pomázi hosszúszárú, Valerij Cskalov, Bigarreau Burlat, Sándor).


Productivity and fruit very good. Early fruit bearing.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 10-12.

Fruit characteristics

When fully ripened, the fruits must be harvested quickly, as they tolerate being stored only for a few days on the trees.

Tree characteristics

The trees have medium vigour, very dense branchings, conical, round canopy. The leaves are dense. Good growth on both Mahaleb cherry and wild cherry stock.

Tolerant against cherry leaf spot disease. High dry matter content. Excellent taste and dark red staining juice makes it good for industrial purposes (freezing, confection, canning and alcoholic beverage making) market plantation.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-early blooming. Good pollinators are Bigarreau Burlat, a Valerij Cskalov, a Katalin, Petrus, Sándor and the Paulus. Good pollinator for Annus.


Very high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens in late May early June, basically the same time as Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large or small (very small during drought), weigh 4-5 grams, average diameter is 18 mm. It has a broad, flattened, truncated conic shape; the blossom end usually slightly sunken. The peel is dark burgundy in colour, which turns into beetle-black when fully ripened, and thick, hardy, thus appropriate for transportation. The pulp is blackish burgundy coloured, semi-firm, succulent, the juice is strongly staining. It has a sweet taste, a characteristic flavour, one of the most aromatic sweet cherry cultivar. The fruit has a high dry matter content. The stem is short.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a semi-strong vigour and a broad, spherical canopy.

More resistant to fungal diseases than the cultivated ones. May be used in the place of Bigarreau Burlat, as their ripening period is the same, but its fruit has a firmer flesh.

Valerij Cskalov

Flowering, pollination

Early blooming, self-incompatible cultivar. Good pollinators Vera, Bigarreau Burlat, Szomolyai fekete, Münchebergi Early, Pomázi hosszúszárú.


Productivity and crop safety superior, very high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens in late May early June, basically the same time as Bigarreau Burlat

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, 5-6 grams in weight, 24-26 mm in diameter. They have a spherical shape, which is flattened from the stem side. The peel is dark burgundy, medium thick and shiny. The pulp is dark red in colour and firmer than Bigarreau Burlat. The stone is small. It tastes sweet-sour, very harmonic.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-strong vigour, semi-loose branching arrangement. Canopies on young trees have an upright growth habit, later they become hanging, and they bend under weight of the fruits. The twigs are dark purplish brown.

The actual market value is from the mutually good pollinator capability and harvesting of the Bigarreau Burlat and the Valerij Cskalov cultivars. This enables the economically feasible planting of these two cultivars. Good for fresh consumption. It is advised to care the wounds after pruning, as pathogens can enter the tree through the cuts. On some planting sites, and in some years the fruit can be prone to crackings.


Flowering, pollination

Blooming starts early, nut it is extended. Self-incompatible. Produces pollens that can pollinate most of the sweet cherry cultivars that bloom together with it – good pollinator of: Germersdorf l, Germersdorf 3, Hedelfingen, Bigarreau Burlat, Linda, Kavics, Katalin sweet cherries and they are also good pollinators for Van. Excessive fruit set causes the fruits to crumble.


Superior productivity and crop safety. Early fruit bearing and consistent, very high productivity.

Ripening period

June 20-25, 2-3 days after Germersdorf 3.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, weigh 4-7 grams in average and 22-24 mm in diameter. They have a bulged spherical shape. The peel is hardy and dark mahogany in colour. The pulp is firm, crispy, succulent, and doesn’t gets soft, even when overripe.  It tastes pleasant sweet-sour, it has a little putamen (around 4% in weight). The stem is especially short, stiff, comes off the fruit dry. Fruits are not prone to crackings.

Tree characteristics

Trees have a medium-slow vigour, the twigs have short internodes. Semi-spur cultivar. Suitable for formative pruning. Loose, rigid branching arrangement. Young trees have an upright growth habit and are not susceptible to neither compacting nor to branch shedding. Grows well on Wild cherry rootstock, shows partial incompatibility with some Mahaleb rootstocks (e.g. Sl-64).

Prone to excessive fruit set that can cause the fruits to crumble. Appropriate for fresh consumption, but mainly good for canning. Excellently winter hardy. It is only advised to plant it into soils with proper nutrient and water supply, as unfavourable environmental conditions can cause the fruits to remain small.


Flowering, pollination

Self-incompatible. Mid-late blooming. Good pollinator are: Van, Germersdorf 1, Hedelfingen.


Good productivity and crop safety cultivar.

Ripening period

Mid-late ripening cultivar, ripens in mid-June.

Fruit characteristics

Multi-coloured fruit. Fruits are large, 6-8 grams weigh, in average 24 mm in diameter. The shape is a slightly pushed-in sphere. The skin is light yellow-red with a bright red marbling. The sun-exposed side is light red, the other is lemon yellow. The skin is hard, the pulp is medium firm, slightly crispy. It is characteristically sour and flavoursome. The stem is medium-long. During transportation, the handling causes spots, which is not attractive. The spots diminish after processing. Can be harvested only by hand.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour, the branches have an upright growth habit.

When the demand is right, it is good for canning, and for market planting. Excellent quality compote can be made from it. In other sweet cherry producing countries, the similar, multi-coloured cultivars are used for canning; in Hungary the canning industry doesn’t prefers it.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-early blooming, self-incompatible. Pollinators are Valerij Cskalov, Axel, Petrus, Sándor and the Annus. Mutually good pollinators with Bigarreau Burlat.


Regular, very high rates of productivity. Early fruit bearing.

Ripening period

Mid-early ripening. Ripens in mid-June, 6-8 days after Bigarreau Burlat.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large 24-27 mm in diameter, 7-9 grams weigh. The shape is a slightly pushed in sphere. Slightly more at the blossom end. The colour is crimson, shiny. The pulp is firm, but not crispy, it has a pleasant sweet-sour taste. The stem is medium long, the stone is medium large. They do not or just slightly crack.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium vigour and a sphere-shaped canopy. The scaffolds are rigid, spreading and the bud arrangement is similar to the Van type parent tree.

Excellent for fresh consumption and for fresh export and also for compote making. Requires appropriate protection against leaf pathogens.