
Flowering, pollination Mid-early blooming protandrous flowers, can act as a pollinator for other Hungarian cultivars. 
Productivity Average, or mid-early fruit bearing, slightly cold-sensitive, consistent and high productivity.
Ripening period From September 10, until the end of the month.
Fruit characteristics The fruit is similar to as of the German Nr. 120 cultivar, but has a darker colour. About 35 mm in diameter. The kernel content is 45%. It has a slightly bitter flavour.
Tree characteristics Same origin as the A 117 cultivars. The trees have a very fast growth rate with an upright growth habit and crown-shaped canopy. Resistant to diseases. Grows well on sandy soils. (http://dioskonyv.bionuss.eu/)


Alsószentiváni 117

Flowering, pollination Protogynous, mutually pollinate each other with the Milotai 10-14-es protandrous cultivar. 
Productivity: High productivity, 45 % of the buds bear fruits in average. Bears fruits from a young age.
Ripening period Late September.
Fruit characteristics Around 36 mm in diameter, the shell is slightly finned, light brown in colour. The kernel is tasty, yellowish-brown. Kernel content is 48-51%. Easy to crack and clean. Oil content is high: 65%, protein content is 18%.
Tree characteristics Fast growth rate, though trees. Young trees have an upright growth habit, later the canopies become spreading. Lateral buds of spurs don’t set female flowers, thus usually the terminal buds bear fruit.
Planting advise Nationally certified main marketed cultivar since 1976. Good for every planting site.


Alsószentiváni kései® A117-31

Flowering, pollination Late blooming, protogynous. Pollinate each other with the Bonifác cultivar.
Productivity Very high productivity, early fruit bearing.
Ripening period Mid-season ripening: ripens in middle and late September.
Fruit characteristics About 38 mm in diameter. The shell is smooth, light coloured. Easy to crack and clean. Good market value in both unshelled and shelled kernel form.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate with an upright growth habit and a loose canopy with a stout central. Budding starts very late, thus they are not susceptible to late spring chills. Lateral buds bear fruit 25-35% of the time.


Bonifác® A117-15

Flowering, pollination Very late, protandrous. Pollinate each other with the late blooming Alsószentiváni cultivar.
Productivity High productivity. Earlier fruit bearing and higher productivity, than Alsószentiváni 117.
Ripening period Early October
Fruit characteristics The market value of the unshelled fruits are slightly lower than those from the parent cultivar, though the quality of the shelled kernels are somewhat higher. About 34 mm in diameter, kernel content is 48%. Easy to crack and clean.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium-slow growth rate and a dense, spherical canopy with a stout central. Lateral buds bear fruit 50% of the time.


Milotai 10

Virágzás, termékenyülés Együtt virágzik a Tiszacsécsi 2, Alsószentiváni 118 és Pedro nőt előző fajtákkal.
Termőképesség Igen bőtermő, a hajtások átlag 53%-ban rakódnak be terméssel. Korán termőre fordul.
Érés ideje Szeptember vége.
Gyümölcs jellemzői 35 mm átlag átmérőjű, gömb alakú. Héja sima, tetszetősen rajzolatos, sárgásbarna, a bél világos sárga, jó ízű, béltartalma 47-52%. Könnyen törhető és tisztítható. Olajtartalma magas: 68,4%, fehérjetartalma: 17,7%.
Fa jellemzői Középerős növekedésű, fiatalon feltörekvő, idősebb korban félgömb alakú. Termővesszői 20-25%-ban oldalrügyeken is hoznak nővirágot.



Milotai bőtermő M10-9

Budding time Late - on the 18-21. day of the walnut bearing – better crop quality than the parent cultivar’s.
Flowering, pollination Protogynous, mutually pollinate each other with the Milotai 10-14-es protandrous cultivar. 
Productivity Bears fruits with 57% on the lateral buds, thus the fruit bearing is early with high productivity.
Ripening: Late September
Fruit characteristics Large fruit with shoulders, light coloured Attractive, smooth shell. Market value is close to the excellent quality Milotai 10 parent cultivar. Easy to crack and clean.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium growth rate with an upright growth habit and a loose, cylindrical canopy.


Milotai intenzív M10-37

Flowering, pollination Protandrous, mutually pollinate each other with the Milotai High protogynous cultivar. 
Productivity Bears fruits with 60% on the lateral buds, thus one of the earliest fruit bearing, potentially highest yielding new cultivars.
Ripening period Early October
Fruit characteristics Large, appealing, light-coloured fruit, which has the same quality of market value as of the Milotai 10 - both in shelled kernel and in unshelled form. Its disadvantage is its susceptibility to walnut blight, thus the outstanding performance can only be achieved with effective crop protection.
Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-slow growth rate, with a dense, spherical canopy.

Milotai kései® M10-14

Flowering, pollination Protandrous, mutually pollinate each other with the Milotai High protogynous cultivar. 
Productivity Very high rates of productivity. Early fruit bearing.
Ripening period Late-ripening: ripens in mid-October.
Fruit characteristics The fruit diameter is around 38 mm. Smooth surface, attractive shell. The market value of the unshelled fruits is lower, the quality of the shelled kernel is higher than the Milotai 10 parent cultivar’s.
Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium growth rate, young trees have an upright growth habit. When they start to bear fruits, the canopies become spreading and loose, even with little pruning. Lateral buds bear fruit 60% of the time. Fruits set early.

Tiszacsécsi 2

Flowering, pollination Protandrous flowering, can act as a pollinator for other Hungarian cultivars. 
Productivity Productivity is high, bears fruits 25-35 % of time on lateral buds as well.
Ripening period Extended growing season, ripens is mid-late September.
Fruit characteristics The fruit is small-medium, around 30-31 mm in diameter, with a semi-thick, firm shell. Easy to crack and clean. The kernel is an excellent quality; kernel content is 45-46%.
Tree characteristics The young trees have a fast growth rate and stout trunk, thus this is one of the well-suited cultivar for forestry purposes. Even seed germination makes it valuable for tree nursery propagation. The trees have fast growth rate with an upright growth habit and forms stout trunks. The trees grow well under suboptimal conditions; drought-tolerant. (http://dioskonyv.bionuss.eu/)


Tiszacsécsi 83

Flowering, pollination Flowering is protandrous, the male and female flowers bloom partially together.  Blooms together with T 2, A 118 and Pedro cultivars, which can be pollinators. It is not necessary to plant pollinators near it, as it bears fruit without pollination, 30% of the time that is it’s moderately apomictic.
Productivity Starts bearing fruits early. Consistent, high productivity, with 25-30 % on lateral buds as well. Under optimal Hungarian cultivation conditions, the highest producing cultivar, higher than even Milotai 10. The buds bear fruit 60 % of the time.
Ripening period Mid-late-ripening. Ripens in late September, early October (September 25 - October 2)
Fruit characteristics The fruit is about 32-34 mm in diameter. The shell is slightly finned, light brown coloured. The partition is slightly curved. Easy to crack and clean. The kernel content is 48-53%. It has a light yellowish brown colour, with a slight purplish shade in large quantities. Very good quality. Oil content is high: 68.5%, protein content is 18.1%.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate on wild rootstocks, and medium-slow on black walnut. Canopies are columnar, spreading. Bears fruits early. Consistent, high productivity, lateral buds bear fruit 25-30% of the time. Under optimal regional conditions it yields the most, more than Milotai 10. Buds bear fruit 60% of the time. Budding starts late, thus crop safety is good.