Budatétény 1

Productivity Pollinate each other with Tétényi kedvenc, Tétényi bőtermő and a Budatétény 70 cultivars.
Ripening period Ripens in early September. It heads out from its thick green hull slower, than the other cultivars, and remains on trees for longer.
Fruit characteristics The fruit is large, 40-50 mm in diameter. It has a characteristic crescent shape, an attractive, light straw-yellow colour, is densely covered with cavities and has a little crest. Easy to crack with hands. The kernel is light yellow, dense, sweet. Kernel content is 47-56 %.
Tree characteristics Primary suited for household planting, due to its fast growth rate and slightly hanging branches. Not suited for mechanical shaking.


Budatétény 70

Productivity Average productivity. Its cross-pollinators are Tétényi kedvenc, Tétényi bőtermő and Budatétény 1 cultivars.
Ripening period Ripens in mid-September
Fruit characteristics The fruit medium-large, 32-38 mm in length. The shell has elongated, columnar shade and a light brown colour. The kernel is light yellow, dense, attractive, very sweet and flavoursome. Kernel content is 65 -72 %. Easy to crack, paper thin shell. Tolerates shaking well.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium growth rate and semi-dense pyramidal canopy.


Tétényi bőtermő

Productivity High productivity. Its cross-pollinators are Tétényi kedvenc, Budatétény 1 and the Budatétény 70.
Ripening period Ripens in early September
Fruit characteristics The fruit is large, above 40 mm. It is columnar, broad drop-shaped. The shell is semi-paper thin. Kernel content is 46-50 %. The kernel is column-shaped, light brown in colour and aromatic, spicy flavoured.
Tree characteristics The trees have a slow growth rate and a spherical canopy, prone to condensing, which have to be pruned.


Tétényi kedvenc

Productivity Very high productivity.  Its cross-pollinators are Tétényi bőtermő, Budatétény 1 and Budatétény 70 cultivars.
Ripening period Ripens in early September
Fruit characteristics The fruit is medium large, 38-44 mm in length, spear-shaped, the column-shaped shell is occasionally covered with cavities, semi-paper thin. Kernel content is high: 46-50%. The kernel is dense, column-shaped, light brown in colour, deliciously sweet.
Tree characteristics

The trees have a slow growth rate, few forks and a loose canopy.


Tétényi keményhéjú

Productivity High productivity.  Its cross-pollinators are Tétényi rekord, Tétényi kedvenc and Tétényi bőtermő.
Ripening period Ripens in late August – early September.
Fruit characteristics The fruit is medium large, 28-34 mm in length, the shell is hard, but easy to crack. Kernel content is 26-32 %. The kernel is flattened, straw-yellow, sweet to taste.
Tree characteristics The trees have a slow growth rate, semi-dense canopy.


Tétényi rekord

Productivity Good productivity. Its pollinators are Tétényi keményhéjú, Tétényi kedvenc and Tétényi bőtermő.
Ripening period

Late September - early October. 

Fruit characteristics The fruit is medium large, 34-38 mm in diameter, has a shape of a bulky spindle. Thin, but hard shell that can be easily cracked. Kernel content is 38-42%. The shell and kernel are both attractive, light yellow in colour. The kernel is dense, column-shaped and sweet to taste.
Tree characteristics The young trees have a medium-fast, the mature trees have a fast growth rate. The trees grow a cone-shaped canopy.