Sour cherry

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3/48 Érdi ipari

Flowering, pollination

Mid-blooming, flowers are self-compatible.


Consistent and high productivity

Ripening period

Ripens around May 22-25., 10-12 days before Meteor korai.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are small, weigh 3 grams, 19-21 mm in diameter. They have a spherical form, which is slightly flattened from the stem side. Both the skin and the pulp of the fruit are dark burgundy in colour with a staining juice. The taste is pleasant sweet-sour. The pulp is semi-firm, succulent. The stem is medium long, quite stipulaceous. Comes off the stem easily and dry.

Tree characteristics

The young trees have a medium-slow growth rate and they grow a spherical canopy.

Earliest ripening cherry fruit

Cigánymeggy clones

Cigánymeggy 7, Cigánymeggy 59, Cigánymeggy C.404

Flowering, pollination

Self-compatible. The C.7 and C.59 clones are mid-late blooming cultivars, it is good pollinator to the Pándy 279 and Pándy Bb. 119 clones. The C. 404 clone is mid-early blooming, good pollinator to Pándy 48 clones.


High productivity.

Ripening period

The C.7 and the C404 ripens around June 15-18., the C.59 around June 20-22.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are small, they weigh 3-4 grams (2-3 grams in C.404), their average diameter is below 18 mm. The C59 can reach 20 mm in diameter. Their shape is an almost perfect sphere, their colour is dark burgundy. The stem is long, often stipulaceous. The pulp is purplish red, semi-firm, the juice is dark red, strongly staining. Their taste is very sour. The putamen is small, only 5-6 % in weight. The fruit comes off the stem easily and dry. Tolerates shaking well.

Tree characteristics

The C.404 trees have medium-strong, the C.7 and C.59 have medium-slow growth rate; they can be distinguished for their slim, weak twigs that form bushy, spherical, hanging canopies.

Undemanding group of cultivars, grows well on shallower soils. Moderately susceptible to diseases, thus it advised to care the wounds after pruning, and to protect against Monilinia. Resistant to winter colds, more than other sour cherry cultivars.

The nationally certified clones should be planted on their own or with the appropriate Pándy sour cherry clones. Good for canning and confectionery purposes.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-early flowering, self-compatible cultivar. Pollinates the Érdi nagygyümölcsű and the mid-seasonal Pándy 279 cultivars.


Consistent and high yields. The produces yield in a a bunch. Late fruit bearing, but very high productivity after 8 years.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 8-10.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are medium-large, weigh 5 grams in average, 21-22 mm in diameter. Their shape is a slightly elongated sphere. The skin is carmine red, which becomes a dark burgundy at the end of the ripening. The pulp is semi-firm, fibery and succulent, the juice is strongly staining. Comes off the long stem difficult. The fruits have a high organic matter content.

Tree characteristics

Very fast growth rate. Young trees have a stoutly upright growing habit, and responses with strong budding to pruning. The branches of the mature trees bend under the weight of the fruits and crowned canopies form.

Resistant to Cherry leaf spot, Monilinia and to Cystospora cincta diseases, thus suitable for integrated cultivation. Can be planted in a block. The pigments are time and heat enduring. Good for fresh consumption and canning.


Debreceni high productivity

Flowering, pollination

Flowers are late blooming, self-compatible.


Early fruit bearing, consistent yield, good productivity.

Ripening period

Late June - early July, ripens 1-3 days before Újfehértói fürtös.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, 5-6 grams in weight, in average 22-23 mm in diameter. They have a spherical shape, flattened from both the top and the sides. The skin is dark red, it has a shiny surface. The pulp is red, lighter than that of the “Újfehértói fürtös”, somewhat softer than the ‘Pándy’ cherries. The stem is medium long, the stem is stipulaceous. The fruit comes off the stem easily and dry, thus it tolerates mechanical shaking well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate. Older trees are prone to branch shedding. The trees grow a dense, pyramidal canopy and have a high number of forks. After fruit bearing pruning is necessary, to which the trees respond with a significant enlargement in fruit size, and also, shedding can thus be prevented.

More susceptible to Monilinia than the Újfehértói fürtös, moderately susceptible to cherry leaf spot. Good crop safety cultivar from North-Eastern Hungary. Good for export, for the Hungarian fresh market and for industrial processing. Described by Tibor Szabó.

Érdi high productivity

Flowering, pollination

Flowers are early blooming, self-compatible.


Early fruit bearing, consistent and high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens between June 16-18,  6-8 days before Pándy.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large, similar appearance to the Pándy cultivars, in average 21-23 mm in diameter, average weight is 5-6 grams. The shape of the fruit is an elongated sphere, flattened from both the stem side and the blossom end. The skin is dry to the touch, has a carmine red colour and is very attractive. The juice is moderately staining. The pulp is medium firm, slightly fibery, dark red and succulent. The juice is moderately staining. It tastes pleasant sweet-sour. The seed is medium large, the stone content is 5-6% in weight. Excellent for fresh consumption, and also for both canning and freezing. The stem is medium long (35 mm in average) slightly stipulaceous, the stipules are small. The fruit comes off the stem easily and dry, thus it tolerates mechanical shaking well. The fruits can be used in many ways: they are good for fresh consumption, but also for canning and freezing purposes as well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate on Mahaleb cherry rootstocks and a medium-slow on sour cherry. They grow a spreading, spherical canopy. The trees have a somewhat loose tissue system, thus if the formative pruning is not precise enough, the central branches may rip off. Young trees grow buds on spurs and on semi-long shoots, thus they are not prone to branch shedding. Older trees however become prone to shedding, thus they require heavier pruning.

Requires protection against Monilinia, and it is advised to care the wounds after pruning.

Érdi jubileum


Flowering, pollination

Flowers are mid-late blooming, self-compatible.


Consistent and high productivity. Late fruit bearing, only after 7-8 years.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 12.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are in average 21-23 in mm in diameter and 4-5 grams in weight. They have a round shape, slightly flattened from both the stem and the back-base side. The skin is dark carmine red at the beginning of the harvesting period, and becomes blackish crimson later. The pulp is red at the beginning of the harvesting period, and becomes blackish crimson later during the ripening. The colour of the juice is altering, similarly to the colour of the pulp. The juice of the fully ripened fruit is strongly staining. The stone is small, its content in the fruit is 4% in weight. The fruit tastes sour-sweet, flavoursome. Its nutrient content is excellent, thus they are good for fresh consumption, but also for canning and freezing purposes as well. The stem is medium long, the fruit comes off the stem easily and dry, thus it tolerates mechanical shaking well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a semi-fast growth rate and a loose, spherical canopy. The trunks are especially broad, the barks are deep purple, burnished. The trees bear the most fruit on spurs and on semi-long shoots, thus they are not prone to branch shedding.

Tolerant against Monilinia. Can be planted in blocks. Good fro canning, because the pigments are time and heat enduring. When over ripened, the dry matter content is 22%, the acid content is 2.1 %.

Érdi nagygyümölcsű

Flowering, pollination

Mid-season blooming flowers are self-incompatible. Its pollinators are: Sour cherries: Meteor Early, Favorit, Csengődi, Maliga emléke, Kántorjánosi. Swwet cherries: Germersdorfi 3, Katalin, Linda, Sunburst, Margit, Aida, Carmen.


Early fruit bearing, inconsistent productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 12-15, 5-8 days after Meteor korai.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large, in average 23-25 mm in diameter, they have a characteristic round shape, flattened from the stem and blossom end side. In average, it weighs 6 grams. The medium thick, hardy skin is shiny, dark carmine red, which turns black when overripened. The stem is in average 46 mm in length, slightly stipulaceous, the stone is attached to the fruit. The pulp is medium firm, succulent. The colour of the pulp and the juice is carmine red. It tastes less acidic than other sour cherry fruits, pleasant sweet.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a fast growth rate and a cone-shaped canopy. Its habit and foliage is very similar to the cherries. The trees bear the most fruit on spurs and on semi-long shoots, thus they are not prone to branch shedding.

Mainly good for fresh consumption.


Flowering, pollination

Mid-blooming. Flowers are highly self-compatible.


Consistent and very high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 10-12.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are in average 24 mm in diameter, 6 grams in weight. They have a round shape, slightly flattened from the stem side. The skin is light carmine red, shiny, dry to touch and thick. The pulp is soft, loose in texture, the juice is pale, not staining. The fruit is succulent, it tastes pleasant sweet-sour, with gently acidic. The seed content is around 7%. Has a good taste, even when only half-ripened. After harvesting from the tree, it can be consumed for quite a long time. Very pleasant table fruit, mainly good for fresh consumption. The stem is medium long, in average 6-24 % of the stipulaceous, the fruit doesn’t come off the stem dry.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate and the branches form a semi-dense canopy. The trees bear the most fruit on spurs and on semi-long shoots, thus they are not prone to branch shedding.

Moderately susceptible to Monilinia infections, requires protection. Can be planted in blocks. Mainly good for fresh consumption.

Kántorjánosi 3

Flowering, pollination

The late blooming flowers are self-compatible. However the extent of this is lower, than Újfehértói fürtös'. Good pollinator is the Újfehértói fürtös. Good cross-pollinators with Debreceni bőtermő.


Early fruit bearing, consistent and high productivity.

Ripening period

Late June  - early July, ripens at the same time as Újfehértói fürtös.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are large, weigh 5-6 grams and are 22-23 mm in diameter. They have a slightly flattened round shape. The skin is crimson coloured. The pulp is red, moderately staining, firm, and is not prone to crackings. Stipulaceous. It has a characteristic sour cherry taste, which comes from its high acid content. The fruit comes off the long stem easily and dry, thus it tolerates mechanical shaking well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate, but the canopy is a sprawling hemisphere. Twigs are hanging. Older trees are prone to branch shedding – this should be prevented by regular pruning.

More susceptible to Monilinia than the Újfehértói fürtös, slightly susceptible to cherry leaf spot. Good for fresh consumption and canning. Described by Tibor Szabó.

Korai pipacs

Flowering, pollination

Mid blooming flowers are self-compatible.


Consistent and high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 12-15, the fruits can be left on the trees for 2-3 weeks.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are medium large, in average 21-22 mm in diameter and 5 grams in weight. The stone content is around 4.1-4.3%. It has a round shape, slightly flattened from the stem side. The skin is light bright carmine in colour, medium thick, elastic. The pulp is medium firm, succulent, slightly fibery; during ripening, it becomes more and more firm. The pulp is white, slightly pink, when almost overripened. The juice is slightly pink, not staining.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate and a loose, flattened sphere formed canopy. The trees bear the most fruit on spurs and on semi-long shoots, thus they are not prone to branch shedding.

Moderately susceptible to Monilinia infection.

Maliga emléke

Flowering, pollination

Mid-early blooming, self-compatible cultivar.


Consistent and high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 22. Can be harvested for two weeks.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are large-very large, they weigh 6-8 grams, and are 23-25 mm in diameter. The shape is flattened round with shoulders. The fully ripened skin is dark carmine red. The pulp is medium firm, gently fibery, succulent, red in colour, not staining. It tastes sweet-sour. The stone is large, the seed content is 7-8%. The stem is short.

Tree characteristics

The trees have medium-fast growth rate on Mahaleb cherry rootstocks. Young trees are firmly upright growing, and have a seldom branching canopy which becomes slightly sprawling in older trees.

Can be planted in blocks. Good for fresh consumption and canning.

Meteor korai

Flowering, pollination

Mid-early blooming, self-compatible flowers.


Consistent and high productivity.

Ripening period

Ripens around June 3-5. 3 weeks before Pándy cultivar.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are in average 21-22 mm in diameter and 4.5-5.5 grams in weight. The shape is a slightly flattened sphere; the incidence of fruits with a deep suture is a characteristic of the cultivar. The skin of the fully ripened fruits are carmine red in colour, medium thick, and have a shiny surface and are dry to the touch. The pulp is medium firm, gently fibery, dark red. The juice is staining. It has a pleasant, sweet-sour sour cherry flavour. The stone is small, the seed content is only around 4.0-6.0%.

Tree characteristics

The trees have medium-fast growth rate on Mahaleb cherry rootstocks. Young trees are firmly upright growing, and have a seldom branching canopy which becomes slightly sprawling in older trees.

Tolerant against Monilinia. Can be planted in blocks. Good for fresh consumption and canning.

Pándy meggy klónok

Pándy 48, Pándy 279 és Pándy Bb. 119 (syn.: Köröser Weichselkirsche)

Flowering, pollination

The Pándy clones are self-incompatible.

Pándy 48 blooms early, its pollinators are sour cherries with the same blooming period: Cigánymeggy 7 and Favorit, and also Csengődi, fromm sweet cherries the following: Germersdorfi 3, Linda, Solymári gömbölyű and a Hedelfingeni óriás.

A Pándy Bb 119 blooms mid-late, its pollinators are sour cherries of Cigánymeggy 7 and Cigánymeggy C. 404,  the Favorit and Csengődi sour for sweet cherries the Germersdorfi óriás, Solymári gömbölyű and the Linda.

A Pándy 279 late blooming cultivar. Its pollinators are the Cigánymeggy 7, Cigánymeggy 59 and a Favorit, and also the Csengődi sour cherry cultivars.


Depending on the season fair, average or high productivity.

Ripening period

The Pándy 48 ripens around June 22, the Pándy Bb. 119 around June 25 and th Pándy 279 around June 25-30. 

Fruit characteristics

All of the three ‘Pándy’ clones bear equally large-very large fruits. The fruits weigh 6-8 grams, their size varies in a range of 21-24 mm, relative with the number of fruits on the trees. The skin is dark crimson, shiny, medium thick, hardy, dry to the touch. The pulp is dark red, medium firm. The juice is red, weakly staining, succulent. It has a pleasant, harmonic, characteristically sour cherry flavour. The seed is round in shape, medium large in size. The stem is medium long, stipulaceous. The fruit comes off the stem easily and dry, thus it tolerates shaking well.

Tree characteristics

The trees have medium-fast (Pándy Bb. 119) or fast growth rate (Pándy 48 and 279). Boughs are hanging, prone to condensate and branch shedding.

Very susceptible to Monilinia infections. Good for fresh consumption and canning.


Flowering, pollination

The early blooming flowers are slightly self-compatible, thus it requires pollinators. Its good pollinators are Carmen, Linda and Katalin sweet cherries.



Ripening period

Ripens early, in the first days of June, at the same time as the Meteor korai.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are large, or very large, 24-26 mm in diameter, similar to the Pándy type. The skin is shiny and the pulp is dark carmine red, the juice is moderately staining. It tastes pleasant a sweet-sour. The pulp is medium firm, similar to the Pándy cultivar. The stone is medium large (7-8 % of the weight). The stem is medium long, 38-42 mm in average. When fully ripened, the fruit comes off the stem easily and dry. Not stipulaceous. The fruits can be stored on the trees for about 2 weeks, without a decrease in quality.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate, seldom branching, almost column-like upright growing branches from which short shoots grow. Similar to the Early Meteor, only the several year-old trees tend to branch seldom. The trees bear fruits on the shoots, and thus are not susceptible to branch shedding.

Good for intensive plantations, and for extra quality early fruit.

Újfehértói fürtös

Flowering, pollination

Late blooming flowers are self-compatible.


Consistent and very high productivity. Prone to overset, in such cases the fruits remain small.

Ripening period

Ripens in the first days July, prolonged ripening.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits weigh 5-6 grams, a depending on the fruit set, in average 22-24 mm in diameter, flattened round in shape. The skin is shiny, dark red. The pulp is medium firm-firm, deep carmine red in colour, the juice is slightly staining. It tastes harmonic. The medium long stem is stipulaceous. The fruits can be harvested well by mechanical shaking. The stone is large, the seed is 6-8% content.

Tree characteristics

The trees have a medium-fast growth rate, older ones are slightly prone to branch shedding. They have an upright growing, oval canopy. The shoots are hanging and coiling-typed. Grows well on both Mahaleb and wild cherry rootstocks. Requires regular pruning.

Exceptionally adaptable cultivar: the buds are cold-resistant, slightly susceptible to Monilinia, moderately to cherry leaf spot. Nutrient and water requirements are higher than other cultivar’s. Good for fresh consumption and canning. Described by Tibor Szabó.