Ananász kajszi

Flowering, pollination Self-compatible 
Productivity Consistent and high productivity. Hardy trees that often grow to be 75 years old. Tolerate droughty and cold well. 
Ripening period Ripens in very early July

Fruit characteristics

Medium-sized or large fruit, with an attractive straw-yellow skin. The pulp is orange-yellow, juicy and barely fibery. It has a pleasant taste and fragrance. The kernel is sweet.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate, with upright growing branches and a sprawling canopy.



Ripening period In mid-August

medium large, slightly elongated



Taste excellent



Flowering, pollination Self-compatible, mid-blooming flowers.
Productivity Early fruit bearing.
Ripening period Ripens 13-16 days after Magyar kajszi, in  late July – early August.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium large-large, weigh 40-45 grams, depending on fruit set number. They have an oblong shape.  The peel is light orange in colour, with an orange-red blush and bright red blotches on the sun-exposed side. The pulp is orange, firm, semi-succulent an tastes acidic. The stone is unattached.
Tree characteristics The trees have a slow growth rate, a steadily upright growth habit, and a slender canopy. Under the weight of the fruits, the branches often get injured, sometimes rip off.

Slightly susceptible to Plum pox virus virus. Moderately susceptible to winter colds. The tree is susceptible to tumours, the fruit is to Monilinia infections. good for fresh and compote primarily.

Ceglédi arany

Ripening period In mid/late July

large, even



Taste very pleasant flavour


Ceglédi bíbor

Ripening period In mid-July

large, elongated


orange, fibery, juicy, medium-firm

Taste excellent


Ceglédi kedves

Ripening period In mid-July

medium large-large, slightly elongated


light orange, firm

Taste pleasant, aromatic

Pollinating partner: Magyar kajszi C.235, Ceglédi b.

Ceglédi óriás

Ripening period In the early of July

large or very large


light orange, juicy, tender

Taste seed is sweet


Ceglédi Piroska

Ripening period In the early of July

medium large, elongated round in shape


orange, firm

Taste only aromatic when fully ripened


Ceglédi szilárd

Ripening period In late July

medium large, conical, slightly flattened


dark orange, slightly venous, firm

Taste juicy, tasty


Gönci magyar

Ripening period In mid-July

medium large


orange, juicy

Taste excellent



Flowering, pollination Early flowering, self-incompatible. Good yields when planted together with Ceglédi Piroska and Gönci Magyar.
Productivity Good.
Ripening period In mid-July, 2-3 days before Magyar kajszi.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium-large, weigh 35-40 grams, they have a slightly flattened conical shape. Prone to crackings on the blossom end. The peel is dark orange, with a carmine blush and dense red dots and has a silky touch. The pulp is orange, succulent, fibery, firm, flavoursome. The stone is unattached.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium growth rate, slightly sprawling canopies, and require regular pruning and fruit thinning. 

Not susceptible to Plum pox virus virus. Moderately susceptible to winter colds. Attractive fruit, good for fresh consumption and compote.


Flowering, pollination Blooms early, partially self-compatible. Good pollinators are Ceglédi Piroska, Ceglédi óriás, Harcot.
Productivity High productivity, requires pruning.
Ripening period Ripens 10-12 days before Korai piros and Harcot, in mid-June.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are small or medium-large, weigh 35-45 grams, have an oblong shape. The surface is slightly uneven. The ground colour of the peel ranges from beige to light yellow. Blushed with varying sizes of carmine. The pulp is light orange in colour. The ripened fruit has a soft, flavoursome taste. The stone is unattached.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate, an upright growth habit and few forks.

Excellent for fresh consumption.


Flowering, pollination Variable blooming time.
Productivity Consistent yields when planted along with other Canadian cultivars.
Ripening period Ripens one week after Gönci magyar.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits have an oblonged shape, a medium size and a shiny, dark orange ground color with intense dark red overcolor. The pulp is firm, aromatic, has a high sugar and low acid content. Tolerates transportation well.
Tree characteristics  

Korai Piros

Flowering, pollination Blooms early. The flowers are only partially self-compatible, pollinate each other with Magyar kajszi.
Productivity Good.
Ripening period Ripens 10-15 days before Magyar kajszi, in early July. They pollinate each other.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are small, they weigh 30 – 35 grams, have a round shape with slight impressions on the top, and flattened from the sides. The peel is light orange, with carmine or blushes or marbles and slightly furry. The pulp is light orange, slightly fibery, not too sweet, slightly acidic, soft. The kernel has a sweet taste.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate and they grow strong, hemispherical canopies.

Not susceptible to winter and spring colds. Good for fresh consumption, freezing and for liquors.

Magyar kajszi C.235

Ripening period In mid-July

medium large, round, slightly wooly


orange, juicy

Taste very aromatic



Ripening period In mid-July

large or very large, similar to an Almond in shape


orange, firm

Taste tasty


MK 132

Flowering, pollination Flowers are mid-early blooming, self-compatible.
Productivity High productivity, requires pruning.
Ripening period Ripens 4-5 days after Korai piros.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are medium-large, weigh 40-50 grams. They have a conical, slightly flattened round shape. The ground colour is orange, with a carmine red overcolor on the sun-exposed side. The pulp is yellow, moderately firm, succulent and softly fibery. It tastes a harmonic sour-sweet.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium growth rate with loose, steadily upright growing branches with few forks.

The symptoms of Plum pox virus aren’t apparent on the fruit or on the seed. Not susceptible to winter and spring colds. Due to its early ripening it is good for fresh consumption mainly, but also good for canning.

Nyújtó Ferenc emléke

Ripening period In mid-July

Medium large, spherical cone


orange, juicy, fragrant

Taste Good



Flowering, pollination The flowers are self-incompatible. Pollinators are Bergeron and a Hargrand.
Productivity Inconsistent.
Ripening period Can be harvested from early July.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are medium or large in size, slightly oval shaped. The skin is orange, with a red overcolor. The pulp is dark orange, medium firm and tasty.
Tree characteristics The trees have a fast growth rate and they grow sprawling canopies.


Ripening period In late July

large size, smooth


slightly fibery, juicy

Taste Good flavour



Flowering, pollination Self-compatible cultivar. Early blooming.
Productivity Good, consistent yield.
Ripening period Ripens 4-7 days after Magyar kajszi.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are medium-large, weigh 38 grams in average. They have a slightly conical round shape. The skin is orange, aromatic and succulent.
Tree characteristics The trees have a medium growth rate and grow either regular, slender or dense and columnar or spherical canopies.

The flowers are better at cold resistance than Magyar kajszi. The tree is prone to tumours. Good for fresh consumption mainly.


Ripening period In late July-early August

medium large, flattened sphere


juicy, medium firm, gentle fibres

Taste pleasant, sweet



Flowering, pollination  
Productivity Plentiful, consistent.
Ripening period Few days after Magyar kajszi.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are medium-sized, with an elongated shape. The dark orange skin is blushed with a deep red overcolor. The pulp is solid, not succulent and tasty.
Tree characteristics The trees a have fast growth rate.

Winter hardy.